Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cease to be idle or is it stop subsidizing freeloaders

That was one of the lines from the CES fireside given by Elder Dallin H Oaks at the Interstake Center in Oakland back in 2005: "Stop subsidizing freeloaders." He was talking to the young adult women in the Church to lock their pantries and only open them up for REAL dates, not just hanging out with guys. Well, I think we can apply it to many MANY other people. On one of the local talk radio stations this morning the hosts had people call in who are receiving unemployment. The hosts asked if the callers would be willing to accept a job that paid less than the amount they received from unemployment. The answer? Can you guess? Is it that hard to guess? Nope, it's a no brainer. The callers said "No". They would continue receiving unemployment despite the fact that they could get a legitimate job. How sad. How ridiculous. I think the taxpayers need to stand up and say, get off the government's dole! Get a job. We need to stop paying people to sit at home and not be productive when there are jobs available. Sacramento, Washington STOP SUBSIDIZING FREELOADERS!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Inherited?? Nice try

I am so sick and tired of hearing how this administration (as well as many congress members) "inherited" the mess from the last administration. I find it hilarious that the media doesn't point out that both the president and the vice president were senators before they were elected. As such they voted on every piece of legislation that was proposed. And you know what? They voted yes on every single piece of legislation that they now criticize Bush for having passed. You know what else? They voted yes on it BEFORE it even got to Bush's desk. I guess when you are in charge you can forget insignificant facts like the fact that they are just a responsible for the mess in which we find this country. I could say a lot more on the subject but this point alone shows the character of the current administration.