Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's a tax, not a penalty

It's just like the Social Security legislature all over again, the federal government says one thing and then the supreme court upholds the legislation by using a completely different reason, totally different than what the legislation was sold as. In the case of Social Security, the public was told that were paying into what amounted to insurance policies, seperate  accounts for each person. Well, it was challenged on the basis that the federal government does not have the constitutional power to force or require a private citizen to buy anything. The solicitor general who argued the case before the supreme court said that it wasn't that at all, it was a tax and that the federal government had the power to tax the public. Using that arguement it was upheld as constitutional. Just so you know, there is not seperate accounts, all monies collected go into the federal coffers and are spent where ever the federal government deems necessary, hence the huge discussions about the bending shortages in funding.
 That brings us to today's supreme court ruling that the health care bill is constitution as a TAX. All those who believed the president in 2008 when he debated Hilary Clinton and said he was against the individual mandate she was for, were lied to, he passed the individual mandate. All those who believed him when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class were lied to, because this legislation, although it was billed as only penalizing those not purchasing insurance, was only upheld as constitutional, by TAXING those who don't buy it, were lied to. Who do you think is going to pay for all that is included in the 3000 pages of this bill? We are!! How are insurance companies going to pay for the policies that they are being forced to sell below their costs except by raising the prices for all the other policies, that would be by me and my family and your family if you now have insurance.
  If only the politicians would come out and say, we are going to raise your taxes and charge you more for your insurance policy so that we can give other people who don't have insurance, don't want insurance, etc cheaper policies, how would that be received by the public? Probably not as well as the way they did it, through deceit and outright lies.
  Just be honest with your intents and then let it be judged by the people.